CLEVELAND, Ohio – It’s official, for anyone wondering or worrying: Santa Claus has been cleared to travel.
Official as in he has been issued a transit permit from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Claus is listed as Mr. S. Nicholas Claus of the North Pole, with his purpose of being “a distributor with Gifts and Good Cheer, Inc.” The permit includes allowance of reindeer to enter and exit the United States between 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 24, and 6 a.m. Monday, Dec. 25, over any border port.
The permit is a bit of a diversion for the USDA’s division, which normally deals with more serious topics like animal and plant health, science issues, regulatory concerns and other initiatives.
“We extend a warm welcome to Mr. Claus and recognize the vital role of U.S. milk and cookies in fueling his festive flight,” said Jenny Lester Moffitt, under secretary for marketing and regulatory programs, in a press release.
Veterinary officials ensured the reindeer met all entry requirements, though a minor glitch briefly held up the permit process. One reindeer’s health certificate noted a minor physical anomaly. APHIS indicated that the reindeer in question, Rudolph, has a bright, red nose. But it does not pose a danger, officials said.
APHIS regulates the movement of cervids, including reindeer, to protect the health of America’s livestock population. The permitting process provides assurance that only healthy animals enter the country.
USDA officials said port personnel also will clean and disinfect the runners and underside of Claus’ sleigh. Claus will be asked to disinfect his boots and thoroughly wash his hands – measures intended to prevent the entry of any livestock diseases.
I am on cleveland.com’s life and culture team and cover food, beer, wine and sports-related topics. For my recent stories, here’s a directory on cleveland.com. Bill Wills of WTAM-1100 and I talk food and drink usually at 8:20 a.m. Thursdays. Twitter: @mbona30. My latest book, co-authored with Dan Murphy, is “Joe Thomas: Not Your Average Joe” by Gray & Co.
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