The marijuana misinformation out there is discouraging. Pot is not worse than alcohol.



How do you feel about people who want to vote “no” to Issue 2 on recreational marijuana based solely on assumptions on how marijuana affects people? Do you think any of these people have ever smoked pot to really know what the effects are, or are they just guessing that it is similar to alcohol?

Part of the research and due diligence should be a requirement that the people making the laws should experience the substance they want to keep illegal, at least once. I was a child of the ‘60s, with 18 months service in Vietnam, where pot grew like dandelions do here, and I have never smoked pot. I have been in environments where people around me were smoking responsible amounts of pot, and they acted nothing like they were drunk on alcohol. Those who offer baseless opinions that pot is like alcohol are 100% wrong.

Those who write legislation or weigh in on Issue 2 need to be informed, not guessing.

Name withheld by request,


The writer is a retired information technology professional.


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