COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – The Great ShakeOut is a nationwide earthquake drill that happens each year on the third Thursday of October. This year, it took place on Oct. 19 at 10:19 a.m. and workplaces, schools and homes across the country participated.
Most people in central Ohio have probably never experienced a major earthquake, but experts say you should still be prepared in order to avoid injury or death if one should occur.
Director of the Franklin County EMA Jeff Young said we live in a mobile society and many of us are used to traveling, so a major earthquake could occur depending on where you are visiting.
“While Ohio has a very low likelihood of a catastrophic earthquake we all travel so if you’re traveling to one of those areas like California, Bay Area, down around Missouri, New Madrid, Oklahoma, all of those areas have significant earthquakes,” Young said.
During an earthquake you are supposed to drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy table or desk and hold on until the shaking stops. All those steps are practiced during the Great ShakeOut.
“I think you’ve got to look at your surroundings, think about what your hazards are right there. Can you evacuate safely and quickly? Or do you need to take immediate protective measures? A lot of times the reaction you really need to do is protective measures,” Young said.
Even though central Ohio most likely won’t experience a big earthquake, preparedness for any situation is still important.
“I hope they think about the world we live in, the disasters that we all face, and as we travel and move about we could be experiencing things that we don’t see on a daily basis so they really need to be prepared to take action to protect themselves, their family,” Young said.
For more information on the Great ShakeOut and signs of an earthquake click here.
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