BRUNSWICK, Ohio — Sunday at the Farm Sept. 17 was really hopping, as Uncle Dave’s Traveling Farm from Spring Mist Farms was in attendance, including Dolly the water buffalo. She was a big hit, along with the regular farm animals.
My great-grandson now wants a water buffalo when he grows up, he said, noting, “She cuddles.” Hmmm.
Those fantastic Boy Scouts from Troop 513 once again put up and took down the snow fence provided by the city to make a pen for the animals. I am always amazed at how efficient they are at it all.
Young men and their dads from St. Ambrose Boy Scout Troop 513 put up (and take down) the snow fence to form a pen for the traveling farm at Heritage Farm. (Sam Boyer, special to cleveland.com)
Inside the big red barn, Stephen Tako autographed the latest of his “Junga the Dancing Yeti” books for people of all ages. Lots of his classmates from Buckeye High School came to visit, as they celebrated their 40th reunion that weekend.
Stephen then went on to sign autographs at Romeo’s Pizza in Brunswick, as Bob Strickland is a corporate sponsor for the anti-bullying work being done by Stephen’s non-profit, Motivated to Act. You can learn about that mission at https://www.motivatedtoact.org/.
One of Stephen’s classmates, Shelly Delrymple, made a cake to share with all who came to the book signing. The decoration was an exact copy of the cover of the new book.
For the next few weeks, fans can still buy raffle tickets for the limited edition signed poster that has the signatures of five former NFL players (the voices of the new video), including Brian Sipe. Just come to the barn at Heritage Farm.
If you’ve not been there the farmers market runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays at the farm at 4613 Laurel Road.
Then, just as the outdoor market was wrapping up on Sept. 17, the parking lot filled with cars for the first of the five fall Healthy Kids Running series races. This is always so exciting for families cheering on their little ones.
It’s been very cool watching some of them grow over the past three years. You can come to cheer for them at the finish line, too.
As the farm market year is just three more weeks, don’t forget to bring your dog all dressed up for the Canine Costume Contest Oct. 1. This is another really fun event, and everyone loves seeing how creative the costumes are, from homemade to store bought, and the dogs are very proud of their humans.
There will be lots of great prizes, thanks to Bil-Jac Foods, Hounds Town, Kim Ousley and Kelly’s Café (yes, the human winners get prizes, too.) It all takes place about noon behind the big red barn, with free registration starting at 11 a.m.
The grand finale will include Terry Hodges (the crazy pumpkin guy) hopefully wearing his special outfit. That day, Oct. 8, will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and includes free face painting and hayrides around the perimeter of the farm. Plus, kids can come in costume for a “rehearsal” of trick or treat, with vendors providing goodies.
Looks like fall colors will be pretty awesome by then, so bring your cameras.
Katie Georgekopoulos deserves a lot of credit for all her hard work taking over the market this year. Hope to see you there.
Sad note: Shortly after he was inducted into the Brunswick High School Athletic Hall of Fame, former coach Charles H. Reisland Jr. passed away at age 77. He was already very sick and unable to come to the ceremony, but at least he knew about it.
Lots of former athletes and friends stopped me to talk about him, and I have clear memories of how much he did for the football program way back then.
If you’d like to make a memorial contribution in his name, the family suggests the Alzheimer’s/Dementia Association, 23215 Commerce Park Road, Suite 300, Beachwood, OH 44122.
Also sad to hear that Sam Jakabcic passed away while in New York visiting a new great-grandchild. There will be a service honoring the longtime Brunswick resident at Holy Trinity Church later in October.
Two chances: The Northern Ohio Railway Museum (NORM) will hold two informational programs about its amazing restoration projects. The first is at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Brunswick Library, hosted by the Brunswick Area Historical Society, and the second at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Medina Library, hosted by the Medina County Historical Society.
Chuck Gibson and historian Blaine Hays from NORM will talk and show pictures of the interesting train and street cars that NORM houses, maintains and restores.
The mission of the museum is to collect, preserve, restore, display and operate streetcars and other railway equipment for the education and entertainment of the public. It currently holds over 40 streetcars, interurbans and rapid transit cars.
Learn about the growth of this museum, its restoration efforts and how you can ride on one of these treasures. Both programs are free and open to the public.
It’s a battle: No, not a war, thankfully, but a friendly competition.
The Battle of Brunswick Chili Cook-Off will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 14 at St. Ambrose Parish as a fundraiser for Cleveland Clinic Childhood Cancer in honor of Collin Nemet, who lost his life to cancer.
“Chili for a Cause” will cost $20 for an adult with samples of each chili, a bowl of your favorite chili and entry in the 50/50 raffle. A children’s ticket for those younger than 12 will be $5 for macaroni and cheese and a juice box.
Plus, there will be crafts and activities for the kids. There will also be “extras for sale” and even $10 take-home containers of chili.
Get tickets online at https://stambrose.us/event/battle-of-brunswick-chili-cook-off/.
Update: The Medina County Historical Society is sponsoring a Gingerbread House Contest to be on display at the John Smart House Museum, 206 N. Elmwood in Medina, in November and early December.
There are two divisions and a People’s Choice Award. Each category will win a prize. Categories are adults ages 16 years and older, and children 15 and younger. The update is to children’s category — they can use kits.
For further information and to receive an application, go to www.medinacountyhistoricalsociety.com/events, contact the historical society at 330-722-1341 or email mchs@zoominternet.net.
Entries are due by Sept. 30.
Eleven honorees and more than 130 nominees were on-hand for the Cleveland.com Top Nurses Awards ceremony at the Jerry Sue Thorton Center at Tri-C on Tuesday morning, September 19, 2023. Nicole Naypauer, Registered Nurse at Akron Children’s Hospital, thanks her family and coworkers for her award. David Petkiewicz, cleveland.comDavid Petkiewicz, cleveland.com
Did you know: The 2023 cleveland.com Top Nurses ceremony Sept. 19 included a 2004 Brunswick High School graduate and Medina resident.
About 150 people from around Northern Ohio gathered for a gala breakfast at Cuyahoga Community College’s Jerry Sue Thornton Center, sponsored by MetroHealth System, Akron Children’s Hospital, Cuyahoga Community College and Harvest of Ohio.
Nicole Budzinski Naypauer, a nurse at Akron Children’s Hospital, was one of the honorees. Congratulations and thanks for taking care of our kids, Nicole.
Get your guide: Everything you love about fall in Medina County is in the Convention and Visitors Bureau magazine.
You can download your copy at https://www.visitmedinacounty.com/plan-your-visit/visitors-guide/ or, If you’d prefer to pick up a guide in person, stop by the visitors center at 23 Public Square, Suite 220, in Medina.
For information you can call 330-722-5502.
Art with a heart: The ninth annual benefit supporting the Children’s Center of Medina County will be held at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 10 at Blue Heron Brewery & Event Center in Medina.
There will be a silent auction, cash bar, gourmet slider bar and music beginning at 5:30 p.m., with the live auction at 7 p.m.
A variety of original art will be on display and available for auction. The selection will include pieces from local community artists, including Medina County Juvenile Detention Center students.
Proceeds will benefit The Children’s Center of Medina County, with a portion designated for the Medina County Juvenile Detention Center to fund continued art therapy for detained youth.
This year’s event will also include Art Experiences.
The Children’s Center of Medina County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing a pathway to healing for children and their families impacted by abuse, neglect or exploitation.
If you are interested in donating items for the auction, contact Anna Guy-Leach at aguyleach@medinacountychildrenscenter.org or 330-591-2682.
Event registration is $75 per person, due by Nov. 2. Previews of the auction items are available on The Children’s Center website https://medinacountychildrenscenter.org/.
Downtown Dinosaur Derby: The dinosaurs are coming!
Participate in Dinosaur Bingo in downtown Wadsworth’s small businesses. Main Street Wadsworth has stocked up on dinosaur costumes. Suit up and test your speed against fellow dino racers. Races will take place in the Wadsworth Public Library parking lot on Broad Street throughout the evening.
Stay tuned for more information! It will be an evening of pre-historic, family-friendly fun! It all happens from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Oct. 6.
They will be feuding: This year’s Senior Care Feud to benefit The HANDS Foundation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 17 at Plum Creek Senior Living on Marks Road in Brunswick.
Any group, business or organization is invited to bring a team of four (and a cheering section) to take part. Win bragging rights in the family-feud-type contest.
There will be appetizers, desserts, wine and beer. Team cost is $50, with a $10 charge for each additional spectator.
Help the HANDS Foundation fulfill its mission of improving the quality of life for all Medina County senior citizens. For information or to RSVP, contact chrissy@plumcreekseniorliving.com.
Do you remember? I was at a program the other day and they showed a picture of Lawson’s, and there was lots of chatter as people reminisced. Do you remember that Brunswick had the most Lawson’s stores of anywhere in Ohio? Yep.
Now I wonder if we could be the place with either the most pizza shops or the most discount/outlet stores? I’m always bewildered by how so many similar places can make a profit. Which is probably why I’d never make it as a shop owner.
Hope you all had a happy September and will have a colorful and wonderful October (I still don’t know where the summer went).
Contact Boyer at samboyersunnews@yahoo.com.
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