Snow is back in Cleveland’s forecast this week. Will it be as heavy as on the East Coast?



CLEVELAND, Ohio – Nearly halfway through February and not a speck of snow yet. Plus, temperatures for the month are running nearly 11 degrees above normal.

Winter’s over. Right?

Not so quick.

Snow is back in the forecast this week, albeit a small amount, with the National Weather Service saying there is a chance of snow Wednesday night, Thursday and Thursday night.

If snow does arrive, it will be the first recorded at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport since two-tenths of an inch on Jan. 29. It appears that Cleveland, again, is skirting the biggest snowstorms of 2024. Up to 18 inches could fall Tuesday in parts of northern New Jersey.

To date in Cleveland, the weather service reports only 16.5 inches of snow, starting with a storm that arrived on Halloween. This is in a place where fall-to-spring snow totals since 1970 have averaged 61.6 inches a year.

But last year, there was just 22.7 inches. So if things hold, this makes two winters in a row with low totals.

Cleveland, as reported from the airport, received 1.5 inches of snow in October, 3.1 inches in November, 2.2 inches in December and 9.7 inches in January.

But even in January, there were not many snow days. Of that January total, 6.9 inches fell on a single day, Jan. 19.

Michigan has been much the same, with lower Michigan to get its first snow later this week in some time.


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