How to dispute Franklin County property appraisal



COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — If you were shocked to see your new property value on your home, you’re not alone.

Property values in Franklin County are seeing a historic increase. About 10,000 Franklin County homeowners are appealing the number they got in the mail and about half of them are going to see a tweak when their taxes come in the mail.

If you are hoping for a reduction, it’s not too late. Right now, the county’s website says, “the 2023 property value review process has now concluded,” but that does not mean your value is set in stone.

“They’ll have the opportunity to participate in the Board of Revision process, Board of Revisions, a little more of a quasi-judicial process than the informal property review, but it’s an opportunity for any property owner to work with our office with the Board of Revision and to make sure we are reflecting values accurately,” Franklin County Auditor Michael Stinziano said. 

Property values are updated every three years. This year, the county is seeing values increase by a historic 41%.

“We’ve had decades of lack of housing and so trying to keep it accurate and update it appropriately,” Stinziano said. 

That increase has some people worried and one appraiser is getting a lot of calls from people asking if it’s too late to appeal.

“We would get a few calls a week and it seemed to be like our biggest question, like, ‘How do we appeal this and is it over?’” appraiser Craig R. Jackson said. 

Jackson is helping people understand the process and if an appeal is the right move, because, for some, it won’t be.

“I think I mentioned the one that was $170,000 overvalued in Dublin. It was, it was a pretty big property. And another one I did in Columbus was over, I think 245 (thousand dollars) was the assessed value and we appraised at 150 (thousand dollars),” Jackson said. 

Franklin County homeowners who appealed their latest property value assessment will find out if they will see a reduction on Dec. 1.

“When the county comes in and puts a mass appraisal on the whole neighborhood, again, you want to be in the median range for the price,” Jackson said. 

If you’re not in the median range and you think it’s wrong, it is time to find proof.

“What’s important for any property owner is not just saying, ‘I think my value is wrong,’” Stinziano said. “It’s providing documentation or their recent sales that would help inform the Board of Revisions or a property value review.”

In the first few months of 2024, the auditor’s office will hold information sessions to help homeowners decide if they want to appeal their property value.

To begin the process of disputing a property appraisal, click here for the Franklin County Board of Revisions website.


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