Fatal highway crash under investigation: Pepper Pike Police Blotter




Car crash: I-271 North

A rush-hour car crash on the freeway claimed the life of a Pennsylvania man Feb. 20 with charges pending at the conclusion of an investigation. First responders were called to the scene at 5:55 p.m. involving three cars, with two of those parked on the berm at the time near the Shaker Boulevard underpass.

A Pennsylvania woman also suffered suspected serious injuries, with impact putting the front of one heavily-damaged SUV up onto the guardrail.

All three cars had to be towed from the scene, with police filing in court to obtain the event data recorder (EDR) or “black box” from at least one.

Lost property: Shaker Boulevard

Police were called to the Ratner School Feb. 21 concerning 54 iPads that appeared to be missing from an unlocked storage room over the past three months.

The iPads, valued at anywhere from $400 to $1,000, are not checked out, but instead loaned using an “honor system,” police learned.

If the iPads are ruled stolen, the total loss could run from $25,000 to $50,000, with the investigation continuing.

Personal welfare, trespassing, failure to disclose personal identification: Carlton Court

A deer hunter reported a possible homeless person camped out in somebody’s backyard in 25-degree temperatures around noon Feb. 16.

Police responded to find a makeshift tent with a man sleeping inside, who then attempted to walk away without identifying himself.

Later identified as a Buffalo man, 54, he was released from jail Feb. 20 after finally giving the judge his Social Security number two days earlier.

Police were then instructed to take him to a homeless shelter in Cleveland.

Follow-up investigation: Lander Road

A Cuyahoga County grand jury has indicted a Raleigh, N.C., man, 45, on drug charges as well as felony fleeing and eluding last week, dating back to a Dec. 13 incident involving a possible trespasser on the former Beechbrook property, now Heritage Classical Academy.

Crime lab testing showed that drugs seized from his car came back as 27 pills containing MDMA, or “ecstasy,” as well as 2.5 grams of the horse tranquilizer ketamine, also considered a possible date rape drug. This led to two felony drug possession charges.

Damage to property: Courtland Road

A city worker reported damage to a municipal snow plow truck around noon Feb. 17, when a small landscaping pickup backed into it.

That truck was believed to have been plowing as well, with the city worker noting that in a brief conversation, it did not appear the other driver could speak English before leaving the scene.

Identity theft: Shaker Boulevard

A resident reported Feb. 16 that two automobile lines of credit had been opened using his personal information at dealerships in Cleveland and Oklahoma.

All of the fraudulent documentation had been filled out online, police noted.

Fraud: Gates Mills Boulevard

A resident, 50, reported Feb. 17 that someone had intercepted a $20 check sent to a relative and fraudulently cashed it for face value.

He added that he had mailed the check at the Lyndhurst Post Office.

Harassing communications: Shaker Boulevard

In separate cases, one reported Feb. 19 and the other Feb. 22, police were investigating two ongoing harassment complaints from women receiving unwanted phone calls and texts from ex-boyfriends.

Drunk driving: I-271

Police responded to a car idling on the side of the freeway Feb. 21 just before midnight and found a Kent man, 34, inside sleeping.

In addition to noticing signs of possible impairment, police found numerous opened beers, leading to his arrest on suspicion of drunk driving.

With a prior conviction for operating a vehicle impaired (OVI) the new charge could be elevated after he refused a Breathalyzer.

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Read more from the Chagrin Solon Sun.


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