Best chili in Greater Cleveland? Last call for nominations



CLEVELAND, Ohio – Famed trumpet player Harry James once mused, “Next to jazz music, there is nothing that lifts the spirit and strengthens the soul more than a good bowl of chili.”

We wholeheartedly agree. Even if jazz isn’t your favorite genre of music, you can’t deny James’ sentiment: chili is like jazz, in that no two artists creating them make it quite the same way—and the ingredients, like musical notes, place differently from version to version.

Earlier last week, we mentioned that October is National Chili Month. We put a call-out to you, dear readers, to send us your nominations for the best bowl of that warm, inviting meal found in the area.

Now we’re looking to play your high notes in a “chili season” concerto. Who has a “perfect pot” of chili that makes your tastebuds sing? Know of a diner, dive bar or tiny family restaurant that sounds like music to your ears when suggested? Do they have “Greater Cleveland’s finest” savory, saucy symphony?

If you haven’t already shared your favorite beef, turkey, chicken, venison or veggie chili with us, today is the deadline to blow your horn for them! Drop a note to us at no later than 5 p.m. today, Monday, Sept. 18. Tell us where your favorite mouthwateringly melodic chili can be had, but stick to local establishments, please—no fast-food or chains.

Your recommendations will be used to compile a poll, where you’ll have the chance to vote for the tastiest chili in The Land. At the conclusion of voting, we’ll go on the road to taste-test your selections and bring you the stories behind your Top 3 establishments.


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