Ask Yadi: Does everyone forget how to drive in bad weather every year?



CLEVELAND, Oh — Ask Yadi: Does everyone forget how to drive in bad weather every year?

Welcome to winter, Ohio drivers. Do you ask yourself this questionevery time you are driving in the snow? “Did all of these people just move to Ohio?” What is it about the snow that turns so many people into new drivers?

Of course, safety should be your number one priority. Sometimes that means that we aren’t speed racers and are more cautious. You may not go as fast as you normally would, and you shouldn’t. Those who drive like maniacs in snow and bad weather are just as dangerous. Just because you have a big car doesn’t mean you can get through everything.

There are always those who seem to have all the time in the world with no place to be. They drive at a turtle’s pace. I can accept that you are overly cautious, but please stay on the right side of the freeway. If you are so afraid to drive on the freeway, over 35 mph, can’t see over the steering wheel, or drive in bad weather take the side streets. Those on the freeway want to get to their destinations quicker without the hassle of all of the lights.

Recently, I observed someone who was just so kind and sugary sweet to everyone they encountered. I asked them if they were truly as nice as they came across. They smiled and said “I am…until I get behind the wheel of my car” with a grin. “Then the other side of me comes out. I will flip you off, honk my horn and scream at you in a minute.” In different parts of the country, you see this a lot. Someone can be nice as pie but show no mercy when they are driving.

Let’s face it, there is something about getting in our cars that changes us into different people. We get aggressive, frustrated and have somewhere to be like yesterday.

Again, let me stress that cars are powerful and should be taken seriously. You should always strive to be safe and respect the safety of those around you. But also, be aware of where you are driving. The freeway is not the place to be if you fear speed.

Past questions

Ask Yadi: Can you assume someone speaks a second language based on their name?

Ask Yadi: What’s the right way to approach a cute dog if I want to pet it?

Ask Yadi: Is it OK to continue to wear a mask in public?

Ask Yadi: How early or late do you arrive at a party?

Ask Yadi: Cell phones at the dinner table: Should they be put away?

Check out even more prior Ask Yadi columns here.

Do you have a question or an etiquette predicament that you want advice on? Send me an “Ask Yadi” email at

Yadi Rodriguez

Yadi Rodriguez, columnist for and The Plain Dealer


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